Laboratory Certifications

US Environmental Protection Agency NVLAP Certifications – Click Here

NYS Department of Health ELAP Certifications – Click Here

IHPAT Proficiency Testing – Click Here

NYS DOL Mold Assessment Contractor License – Click Here

NYS DOL Mold Remediation Contractor License – Click Here

Capabilities and Chains of Custody

Enviroscience maintains an in-house light and electron microscopy laboratory, certified by both the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Department of Health. This capability insures that our clients receive rapid turnaround of their most important and time-sensitive samples, including those required for pre-demolition and clearance analysis.

Air Sample Analysis by Phase Contrast Microscopy

OSHA Personal Air Sample Analysis by NIOSH 582 and EPA/NYS Area Sample Analysis by NIOSH 7400

Chain of Custody

Air Sample Analysis by Transmission Electron Microscopy

EPA Clearance Air Sampling and Analysis by NIOSH 7402 and EPA 40 CFR Part 763

Bulk Sample Analysis by Polarized Light Microscopy

Friable and Non-Friable Bulk Sample Analysis by EPA 40 CFR Part 763 and NYS DOH 198.1 and 198.6

Chain of Custody

Bulk Sample Analysis by Transmission Electron Microscopy

Non-Friable Bulk Sample Analysis by NYS DOH 198.4

Chain of Custody

Sprayed-on Fireproofing Containing Vermiculite (SOF-V)

Detection and Quantitation of Asbestos Content in Spray-on Fireproofing that contains Vermiculite by NYS DOH 198.8

Chain of Custody

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